One of the benefits of membership of Unify is that you receive FREE insurance on your savings and loans. If you need to access some money but want to keep your savings intact, a secure loan is the ideal option. You can use your savings as security for a loan and pay just 0.5% per month (6% APR) interest.
Savings to the value of the loan will be held as security in your Share 1 account. As the loan balance reduces the amount of savings held as security will reduce in line with the outstanding balance. The maximum repayment term for a Unify Secure Loan is 5 years.
Low interest rate of 6% APR.
Same day decision
Members may receive dividend on savings held as security in their Share 1 account
You can make extra repayments or pay off your loan early without penalty.
IMPORTANT - if you are in a debt management plan, subject of a Debt Relief Order, IVA or bankruptcy or not currently up to date with household bills we are unlikely to be able to provide you with a loan.
Debt advice can be obtained, free of charge, from STEPCHANGE, DEBT ADVICE FOUNDATION or your local CITIZENS ADVICE.
Free and impartial money advice can be obtained from The Money Advice Service
If you want to save for a rainy day or a holiday, a Unify account is quick and easy.
If you need a loan with Unify Credit Union, click here to find out more.
Find out more about how to easily pay into your account with us