New to Unify but in need of a loan, fast?
If you need a small loan but have not yet started saving with Unify Credit Union you can apply for a Starter Loan, with interest at a maximum of 3.0% per month (42.6% APR).
This means if you borrowed £500 repay over 50 weeks, you would pay £11.87 per week - with a total including interest of £93.18
How much can I borrow?
You can apply for any amount up to £1500.00 on your first Starter Loan, the loan must be repaid over a maximum of 18 months. Once you have made repayments for 6 months you may 'top-up' your loan by an additional £750 (maximum) per top-up.
The Starter Loan is suitable for people who are in receipt of a non-means tested benefit, for example, Child Benefit, E.S.A or State Pension. (If you are not sure if you are in receipt of a non-means tested benefit please speak to a member of staff)
How do I apply?
Please note that all loans are subject to our general conditions, as set out in our Loan Policy.
IMPORTANT - if you are in a debt management plan, subject of a Debt Relief Order, IVA or bankruptcy or not currently up to date with household bills we are unlikely to be able to provide you with a loan.
Debt advice can be obtained, free of charge, from STEPCHANGE, DEBT ADVICE FOUNDATION or your local CITIZENS ADVICE.
Free and impartial money advice can be obtained from The Money Advice Service
If you want to save for a rainy day or a holiday, a Unify account is quick and easy.
If you need a loan with Unify Credit Union, click here to find out more.
Find out more about how to easily pay into your account with us